
Fresh Grad Job Search: Less Jobs, More Hustle - Here's What You Need to Know!

April 3, 2024

From full-time to gig: The shifting landscape of employment

As remote work became more widespread, people started talking about how employees were emotionally disconnecting from their jobs. Some called it "quiet quitting," while others saw it as a positive way to break free from the usual hustle culture.

But here's the interesting part: it's not just employees pulling away from the office; companies are actually ditching traditional full-time jobs too!

Before remote work became the new norm, many managers were hesitant to outsource jobs or hire contractors. They wanted employees on-site, where they could keep an eye on them and ensure they were putting in the hours. But when COVID-19 hit, companies were surprised to find out that their employees could actually be productive from home. As a result, they became more open to hiring part-time workers or independent contractors, and outsourcing jobs left and right, both locally and abroad. To them, if remote work is the new norm, why not go for this low-cost option? That means fewer full-time jobs, and ultimately fewer expenses for companies - like providing healthcare, pensions, on-the-job training, and regular salaries.

It's like the "Uberization of the workforce," says Nicholas Bloom from Stanford University.

A McKinsey survey confirms the shift away from full-time jobs: Independent workers now account for 36% of the workforce, up from 27% in 2016. 

This shift can raise labor supply and economic growth, which possibly is not a bad thing. But it comes with concerns too. The first thing to mention is the lack of job security, social support, and fundamental benefits, like health insurance, for gig workers. You see, here in the US, many benefits are tied to full-time employment, and more than half of Americans under 65 rely on employer-based health insurance.

As a fresh graduate, things can get even trickier

As companies realized it is more cost-effective to hire workers on a per-project or temporary basis, they're not as keen on creating full-time entry-level or mid-career positions. Top management positions, on the other hand, remain in a more stable spot. Why? Because companies still need strong leaders to manage their remote workforce and make crucial decisions, therefore, when they have to choose where to cut employee costs, junior positions will be placed first on the list. 

Moreover, thanks to remote work, employers can now actively tap into a vast global talent pool, enabling them to hire individuals from anywhere in the world without the need for relocation.

Don’t take it personally. It's not that fresh grads or less experienced candidates like you aren't talented or capable enough; it's just companies are more eager for the promising cost-cutting success that comes with part-timers and remote workers.

Given all of these permanent changes, what does it mean for you? Well, it means you're not just competing against others from your region, you're competing against talent from everywhere. You will find yourself in stiff competition for a decent full-time position. And you need to roll up your sleeves, prepare to compete, and show them why you're the perfect fit.

What can you do to land your dream job?

Be proactive and strategic. 

First off, don't solely rely on your degree. Education is essential, but it's equally crucial to prove your practical experience and relevant skills, even if they were gained through internships or part-time gigs. 

Focus on upgrading a strong skill set that aligns with the industry you want to enter, whether it’s your coding technique or project management skills. Highlight your relevant experience and develop compelling stories to make you stand out.

Networking is also a powerful tool. Don't be shy to attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, or seek advice from alumni who have been through what you're experiencing now. You never know when a connection might lead to your dream job.

Don't be discouraged by rejection. It's totally normal to face some setbacks along the way, but each experience is a learning opportunity. Stay persistent, keep refining your approach, and the right opportunity will come your way eventually.

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by the crazy world of job hunting and want some personalized support, let me introduce you to my 1-1 Career Coaching Service tailored specifically for fresh grads or less experienced candidates like you!

What makes my coaching different? After over a decade of hiring top talents for renowned companies like Facebook & Amazon, I’m crystal clear on what employers are looking for and how they evaluate their candidates. I've seen it all - the ups, the downs, and everything in between, and I'm happy to share all of that with you. Check out how I helped this fresh graduate go from lost to confident in 2 months here.

In this intensive program, we're going to be a dynamic duo and work closely together to help you navigate your job search. Think of me as your personal job-hunting guru, guiding you through all the hiring phases. From crafting a killer resume showcasing your unique strengths to acing your next interviews, we'll leave no stone unturned.

Ready to kickstart your career with confidence? Let’s schedule a one-on-one consultation with me and overcome those unnecessary obstacles together!